Amb. Keith Kirkwood
Recognized as a Diplomat and the Chairman of Gift Global Initiative, a global non-profit charitable organization that provides Humanitarian Aid and Economic Development in Asia, Africa, South, Central and North America. Amb. Kirkwood was appointed by California Governor and confirmed by The President of the United States to The Selective Service System. He also serves…
Recognized as a Diplomat and the Chairman of Gift Global Initiative, a global
non-profit charitable organization that provides Humanitarian Aid and
Economic Development in Asia, Africa, South, Central and North America. Amb.
Kirkwood was appointed by California Governor and confirmed by The President
of the United States to The Selective Service System. He also serves as the Global
Goodwill Ambassador for United States. In November 2019, Amb. Kirkwood was
awarded the prestigious Pan African Humanitarian Award for Social Impact in
Africa in Abu Dhabi in November 2019.
Highly skilled at resolving complex issues, representing a country as a liaison on
international matters and bringing humanitarian aid to the subject citizens;
excellent time management, negotiation and strategic skills; has a wide range
of working relationships at the highest level of foreign governments dealing
directly with Prime Ministers, Governors and Diplomats. Having worked in
international relations, Keith’s expertise lies in coming up with the most sound and
timely decision for situations requiring utmost and most immediate attention.
Keynote Speaking Engagements
International Keynote Speaker in areas of Diplomacy, Healthcare, Technology
and Education. Summits in the following countries Rome, South Africa, Barbados,
Senegal, USA, UK, Ghana, Gambia, Kenya, India, Nepal and Uganda.
• Pan African Humanitarian Summit and Awards, Abu Dhabi
• Books for Peace, Europe
• Diplomats Summit – International Business Affairs, Qatar
• World Economic Forum, India
• AHDPD African Healthcare Conference, Africa
• Africa Women’s Health Summit, Africa
• Africa Healthcare Extension Summit, Africa
• Global Youth Mental Health Forum, North America, Europe,
Asia, Africa and the Caribbean Islands
United States Diplomat
Global Goodwill Ambassador United States of America
As a Global Goodwill Ambassador, Keith represents the United States in
diplomatic and peace building missions globally. Keith lends his name and
dedicates his support to putting a spotlight on bringing unheard women’s and
children’s voices front and center. Goodwill Ambassadors are prominent
individuals from the world of humanitarian work, peace building, human rights
and other fields of public life globally. The Global Goodwill Ambassadors
highlight the voices of underserved families in their sphere of influence and
through their organizations. Keith has secured resolutions in cooperation with
countries including Kenya, South Africa, Qatar to establish bi lateral aid and
development assistance for the country.
• Regional manager and planner of field activities for 4 field offices and 25
human rights personnel tasked with promoting governance/ human rights
reforms, institutional development, elimination of discrimination, fiscal
accountability, transparency, and anti-corruption practices.
• Delivered services supporting sustainable return, reintegration, social
assistance, promotion of inter-ethnic relations, and minority rights throughout
the government/ political reform process.
GIFT Global Initiative
Chairman – Government Relations and Global Economic Development
As part of GIFT’s Senior Management Team, Keith’s role includes critical mission
delivery, working with the business community through World Trade Centers to
strengthen the local economy, bring aid to families in need in the US and
globally, fundraising, government relations and global economic development.
• Brought the first solar Energy to 600 families without any power in Soweto, South
• Developed clean water initiatives, in Mexico, Kenya and South Africa
• Created mobile vaccination hospitals to bring treatment to rural villages in
Africa to combat HIV, Malaria and Tuberculosis
United States Ambassador to Pakistan Safety Council
PSC Ambassador
• Development of the OHS Management System
• Development of Integrated Management System
• Development of Environmental Management System
• Workplace assessments Health, Safety & Environmental Audits
Selective Service Commission
Nominated by Governor Jerry Brown and Appointed by President Obama and
reconfirmed by President Trump
• Works closely with the Department of Defense on National Security Issues
• Develop and maintain an alternative service program classified as
• Determine which young men and women in each community receive
deferments, postponements, or exemptions from military service based on
federal guideline.
Kramer Law Group
Government Affairs
Provided legislative, political and public relations strategies to Kramer Law Firm
Members; research policy initiatives and develop legislation.
Key Highlights
• Significantly increased the firm’s presence among legislators, policy
makers, administrative officials and other government relations
• Wrote monthly legislative and political updates for the association’s
periodicals to boost organizational awareness about the government
affairs activities.
Chamber of Commerce
Communications Director
• Responsible for connecting businesses with one another.
• Responsible for the strategic planning and direction of the communication
and event marketing of the Chamber.
• Directs the strategic and tactical efforts of the Chamber brand by ensuring its
integrity, while leveraging and optimizing it.
• Provide high profile leadership, vision, guidance and strategic direction for
the programs and staff.
Adonis Global Group
Chief Operating Officer
This dynamic and forward-thinking company is a leader in media and
sports/entertainment properties.
• American Basketball Association (A.B.A), Principal of Connecticut Gladiators
and Mississauga Red Wolves
• Can-American Entertainment Group (Boston, NY/NY, Miami, Montreal)
• Webster Hall Restaurant & Lounge, Principal
• Adonis Media Group
Budget Committee, Los Angeles
• Advise the Mayor and City Council on the city’s budget.
• Soliciting input from stakeholders on priorities in their area and suggestions to
improving city efficiency, increasing city income and reducing costs.
School Site Council
Elected Member of L.A.U.S.D School Site Council
• Review recommendations for improvement of the Single Plan for Student
• Achievement (SPSA) from the English Learner Advisory Committee.
• Develop and approve the SPSA and related expenditures in accordance
with all
• District, state and federal laws and regulations.
• Provide ongoing review of the implementation of the plan with the principal,
teachers, school staff members and other stakeholders.
• Develop the comprehensive safe school plan.
• Carry out all other duties assigned by the LAUSD Board of Education and by
state law.
Professional Athlete
2x Mixed Martial Arts World Champion
• World Titles in Germany and China
• Former record holder for most consecutive wins by knockout (8)
• Largest endorsement (at the time) from Asia for an American fighter.
• Gandhi Peace Ambassador Award
• Pan African Humanitarian Award by the Prime Minister of the State of Qatar
• Books of Peace Award, Rome Italy (2019)
• Global Goodwill Ambassador (GGA) United States of America
• Hope Ambassador Award for Outstanding Global Philanthropy and
Humanitarian Work
• Congresswomen Karen Bass Congressional Recognition for Public Service
• Senator Ben Allen Recognition for Leadership of a Civic Program
• Assemblymember Richard Bloom City Leadership Award
• Los Angeles Mayor Garcetti Outstanding Public Service Award
• K-9 Magazine Animal Humanitarian Award
• Cal State University Los Angeles;
Civic Public Affairs
Pat Brown Institute for Public Affairs/College of Professional & Global