Alfred Latschenberger
Alfred Latschenberger, born and grown up on a farm in the Austrian countryside. Ever since he was passionate about farming and technologies. Studied Financial Management and Banking and started working in the banking environment during and after his studies. It didn’t take him long to realise that the current financial system has many shortcomings and…
Alfred Latschenberger, born and grown up on a farm in the Austrian countryside. Ever since
he was passionate about farming and technologies.
Studied Financial Management and Banking and started working in the banking environment
during and after his studies. It didn’t take him long to realise that the current financial system
has many shortcomings and started to get involved in the crowd-investing industry. After his
first contact with BTC he started focusing on this technology and its new opportunities it can
bring to the financial industry.
Today he is one of Co-Founders and Head of Marketing and Sales of Core Group and fully
involved in the crypto currency industry and focusing on getting the blockchain industry to
the mass adoption to achieve a functioning circular economy by digitising literally everything.