Luke Mulks

Luke Mulks

Director, Business Development at Brave Software

  Luke Mulks is currently Director of Business Development at Brave Software, and is a core member of the Basic Attention Token (BAT) team. Prior to joining Brave, Luke was the Director of Ad Products at OAO, where he handled ad product integrations and operations for OAO’s clients, who are among some of the largest…


Luke Mulks is currently Director of Business Development at Brave Software, and is a core member of the Basic Attention Token (BAT) team.

Prior to joining Brave, Luke was the Director of Ad Products at OAO, where he handled ad product integrations and operations for OAO’s clients, who are among some of the largest media companies and publishers on the web.

Luke’s focus at Brave is to apply his expertise from his background in publishing, startups and advertising into the Brave browser and Basic Attention Token platform.